Welcome to

Trish Williams Consulting

As an occupational therapist, you have the potential to be one of the world’s most amazing CEOs. To run a profit-generating company with HUGE impact — without sacrificing your sanity, family, or wellness.

Yup, we’re saying you can have it all.

But that means not DOING it all. It’s time to cultivate must-have CEO skills to lead your company without wearing all the hats. I’ll show you the way as a private practice owner turned OT business consultant & coach who empowers OTs to evolve into rock-solid CEOs.


Welcome to

Trish Williams Consulting

As an occupational therapist, you have the potential to be one of the world’s most amazing CEOs. To run a profit-generating company with HUGE impact — without sacrificing your sanity, family, or wellness.

Yup, we’re saying you can have it all.

But that means not DOING it all. It’s time to cultivate must-have CEO skills to lead your company without wearing all the hats. I’ll show you the way as a private practice owner turned OT business consultant & coach who empowers OTs to evolve into rock-solid CEOs.

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Take the quiz to discover where you’re leaving money on the table as the leader in your business. Taking action on these key areas is the difference between hustling for low pay and making jaw-dropping profit with ease.


I Want You To Be An OT Who Gets Paid!

Not just so you can buy those fancy shoes (but totally do that if you want). I want your bank account (and your prices) to reflect your valuable expertise. 

Money won’t buy you happiness. But the responsible use of money allows you to buy back your time, along with a whole buncha other benefits. 



Money in the bank changes how you think and spend your time. Guilt-free outsourcing of $10 tasks, paid vacations, and time to focus on dream projects.

Peace of Mind


Enjoy the peace of financial security. Retire your partner, pay for schooling, and stop worrying about everyday expenses.



Able to share with others. Through volunteering, donating money, or creating programs for underserved populations.

I see you talented, creative, and driven OT entrepreneur!

I believe in that big (maybe scary big) vision for your business.


Together we’re breaking glass ceilings for OT

Growing and scaling are not easy! That’s why so many hit a ceiling and get stuck. What got you here, won’t get you there (aka, the next level for your business). 

At Trish Williams Consulting, you develop the skills as a CEO so you have the clarity, profit, and impact to create the life and business you barely hoped to dream for. 

Work With Us

Grow your OT business

100K Club Mastermind

For those who’ve hit 100K (or higher) for the business, and now want take home pay to easily top six figures while decreasing stress and overwhelm.


Grow your OT business

Road to 100K Group Coaching

For those who want to get your OT business up, running, and profitable â€“ giving you the freedom you’re seeking

If you want to start or grow your business, but you don’t know what the heck to do first, second, or tenth – then this opportunity is for you.


OT Entrepreneur Summit 

The only worldwide gathering featuring content, strategies, and community exclusively designed for occupational therapy business owners #OTsforOTs. 

Envision the exact opposite of a boring seminar. This is your chance to find your people and get actionable advice unique to OT businesses. This can’t-miss event is a collaboration between Trish Williams Consulting and Laura Park Figueroa of Mind Your OT Business


From Others Like You...

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Hana Eichele

“Trish, the impact you made on my life -- just wow! If I had 3 words to sum it up: Clarity is everything. I feel clear in my intentions and HOW my business can blossom in a way that suits my life best. I am so grateful for our time together. Thank you so much!”

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Dorri Gowe-Lambert

“Through Trish's guidance and support, I was able to grow and shift my mindset to feeling like a true CEO of my company, Building Bridges Pediatric Therapy Services.  She is compassionate and an exceptional listener and then provides just the right resources, tools and questions to guide you to your solution.  After working with Trish for 6 months, I feel I have gained confidence and clarity in managing my practice.  I have achieved my original goals and established new goals within a strategic plan to guide the growth of my practice for the next three years.  I could not have done this without her!”

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Why this work matters

As a whole, occupational therapy is a helping profession first and forever. But somewhere along the way... helping others started to mean “make less money.” Yup, not cool. But unfortunately, this pay discrepancy is far too common in female-dominated helping professions like OT. But we can change this! 

As an OT practice owner and a single mother, things got real. It was only me. My business needed to make money. My kids, my mortgage, and my retirement depended on it.

Cue epic shift. 

I decided my company was about more than helping people – it also needed to be profitable. So I promoted myself to CEO and backed up my big title with leveled-up leadership and a strategic plan. 

Now after building 2 six-figure businesses, I wake up each morning on fire to equip OTs to boldly build companies that both serve AND bring in dollars.

Together we take action because when our businesses make money, we’re able to do more good in the world. 


At Trish Williams Consulting, we walk the talk when it comes to empowering female entrepreneurs. 

We donate 1% of our gross yearly total to Dress for Success – an organization whose work aligns with our mission to empower women to achieve economic independence. 

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A must-listen for OT Entrepreneurs

OTs Get Paid Podcast

Time to bring money conversations for occupational therapy out from under the rug and into the spotlight. No money topic is taboo around here. We got you covered with sales, marketing, and pricing tips that add zeros to your bank account with dig-deep conversations around money, mindset, and wealth for women.

Far from a snoozefest financial show, The OTs Get Paid Podcast weaves humor, honesty, and actionable advice across solo & guest episodes.